Did you know that your home may be eligible to receive up to $3000.00 for Earthquake Retrofit? The California Earthquake Brace & Bolt (EBB) program is encouraging home owners with older homes to get their homes retrofitted by providing financial assistance to homeowners in selected zip code neighborhoods.
The consequences of an improper earthquake retrofit or of not strengthening an older home can be devastating. More than 1.2 million houses in high-hazard areas are particularly vulnerable to earthquakes because of the type of construction. These homes were typically built before 1979, wood-framed with a raised foundation and have a cripple wall in the crawl space under the house.
In an EBB retrofit, the cripple wall is strengthened with bracing and bolting or with bolting only, depending on the house foundation. With bracing, plywood is added to the cripple walls to strengthen them and to help prevent the home from collapsing. With bolting, anchor bolts are added in the crawl space to help prevent the home from sliding.
Eligible homeowners can apply for retrofit funding from January 23 – February 23, 2018, at earthquakebracebolt.com. As a FEMA trained, registered, and participating EBB general contractor, AMRON is at your service to assist you with the application process and to answer your questions. Please call AMRON at 310-384-2042.